Afrigility Driver App Privacy Policy

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Afrigility OnFleet Driver App Privacy Policy

Afrigility OnFleet Driver App Privacy Policy

Last Updated: September 2023


Welcome to the Privacy Policy for the Afrigility OnFleet Driver App (“App”). Afrigility is committed to abiding by the laws and regulations regarding data privacy in Kenya. We aim to safeguard your privacy and ensure the confidentiality of your personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines the kinds of data we collect, how we utilize it, and your rights regarding this data.

Information We Collect

Personal Information

  • Driver Details: We collect your name, contact number, email address, and driver’s license number to fulfill requirements by Kenyan law for identification and verification purposes.

Vehicle Information

  • Vehicle Details: We collect specifics such as the make, model, and license plate number of your vehicle to facilitate the delivery process as mandated by Kenyan transportation and logistics regulations.

Operational Data

  • Location Data: The App collects real-time and background location data to assist with route planning, delivery tracking, and other operational needs. This complies with Kenyan laws governing the transport and logistics sectors.
  • Image Data: Drivers can upload or capture images within the App for the purposes of inventory verification and proof of delivery.
  • Customer Signatures: These are captured electronically to confirm successful deliveries, in accordance with Kenyan digital transaction laws.

Device Information

  • Hardware and Software: We collect details about the device you use to access the App, including its hardware model, operating system version, and unique identifiers. This is for analytical and security measures, in compliance with Kenyan cybersecurity laws.

How We Use Your Information

  • Delivery Management: For effective order fulfillment, tracking, and successful delivery.
  • Customer Support: To provide prompt assistance and resolve any issues you may encounter.
  • App Development: For continual refinement and improvement of the App based on user interactions and feedback.
  • Security: To safeguard against unauthorized access and misuse of data, in accordance with Kenyan law.

Sharing and Disclosure

Your personal and operational data may be shared with third-party service providers to enable various functionalities of the App. These third parties are contractually obligated to maintain the security and confidentiality of your data, as regulated by Kenyan data protection laws.

Third-Party Services

The App integrates services like Google Maps for location tracking. Such third-party services operate under their own privacy policies, which we recommend you review.

Data Security

We implement rigorous security measures to protect your information, in compliance with Kenyan data protection regulations. However, we cannot guarantee absolute security against all potential risks.

Updates to This Policy

We may periodically make amendments to this Privacy Policy, indicated by the “Last Updated” timestamp at the beginning of the document.

Your Choices and Rights

You have the right to access, edit, or delete your personal information at any given time through the App settings, as stipulated under Kenyan data protection laws.


By using the Afrigility OnFleet Driver App, you express your consent to the collection, utilization, and sharing of your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy and Kenyan law.

Contact Us

For any queries related to this Privacy Policy, please reach out to us at [email protected].



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